626 Community IPPE Clinical Instructors: 3rd-year (P3) students advanced Community IPPE rotation information

January 10, 2024

Hello 626 Community IPPE Clinical Instructors:

As the spring semester approaches, I wanted to reach out to thank you for precepting our 3rd-year (P3) students during their advanced Community IPPE this semester and provide information about their upcoming rotation. This information is for the ‘primary contact’ listed at the site, but please pass this along to other site preceptors as necessary. Your student(s) will be reaching out to you in the next few days to introduce themselves and coordinate the time that they will be spending with you.

The student will be spending 80 hours (ten 8-hour visits on Thursdays) at your community pharmacy site. There are 14 Thursdays in the semester that can be used. We have instructed students that they should aim to complete their hours on the first 10 available Thursdays and reserve the others in case a conflict arises (including inclement weather). Many of our students are traveling far distances for these experiences so please know that it is okay to utilize the extra days in April if bad weather arises. The dates are: 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7, 3/14, 3/28, 4/4 (extra: 4/11, 4/28, 4/25; note that 3/21 week of spring break may also be used at the discretion of the student/preceptor).

Students should NOT request to complete their IPPE hours on other days of the week. The School of Pharmacy has rearranged the course schedule so that 3rd year students do not have class on Thursdays and can dedicate this time to completing their IPPEs. If a situation arises where deviating from the Thursday schedule is necessary (eg, request for student to come in on weekends), please contact me (or have the student contact me) and we are happy to address on a case-by-case basis.

During your student’s time at your site, they will have required activities to complete which are outlined in a checklist. The checklist is designed so that each week there is a self-directed learning activity for students to focus on which should take no more than 2 to 3 hours in the workday. For the remaining time, the goal is that students are incorporated into the workflow and are actively involved in applying various skills (e.g., patient education, dispensing medications, order/product verification, administering immunizations, calling for clarifications, etc). Based on feedback from last year, we recommend that students spend no more than 4 hours/day administering immunizations in order to optimize their learning experience with other activities.

The checklist can be found on the experiential website in the 625/626 course manual in the appendices section. In the appendices section, you will also find a ‘workbook’ which includes some additional guidance for students and preceptors to reference.

If an activity cannot be completed exactly as outlined, that is okay – please review the goal of the activity in the workbook and modify at your discretion to meet the goal in a way that is feasible for your site.

Your student has been asked to contact you a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of their block. Please share with them your dress code policy, lunch information, and parking information.

Given students are spending 10 weeks with you during this IPPE rotation, we have included a “Midway Check-In” that is 1 question and can be completed at the halfway point of the rotation (around week 5). This will allow the student and preceptor to check in prior to the end of the rotation to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement. Students will be evaluated on the Student Performance Evaluation (SPE) using the Miller’s Learning Pyramid scale (similar to APPEs). For guidance on how to use the scale and grade weighting, a guidance document is posted in course manual in the appendices section.

Again, thank you, for precepting our P3 students during their IPPE experiences! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

Marina L. Maes, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP
Assistant Professor of Pharmacy (CHS)
UW-Madison School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Practice & Translational Research Division
1016 Rennebohm Hall – 777 Highland Avenue – Madison WI  53705
p: 608-265-8752 (office) e: marina.maes@wisc.edu

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