UW School of Pharmacy
Clerkship Newsletter
January 24, 2024
- Save the Date – March 5, 2024 – Annual Spring Clinical Instructor Meeting
- IPPE Student Match
- NEW Announcements Posting
- NEW Online Preceptor Application
- APPE Wellness Day – Block 7
- Student Professional Absence Days
- Student Feedback
- Fall semester payments
Save the Date – March 5, 2024, Virtual Annual Spring Clinical Instructor Meeting – Please plan to attend the following spring meeting. Key points:
- Title: Work Smarter Not Harder. Maximizing Efficiency: The Indispensable Role of a Preceptor
- Date: March 5, 2024, 6:30pm
- Overview: A panel of preceptors will share their top tips for precepting students to maximize efficiency. More details will be provided in a separate email.
Thank you for your time and contributions to the UW School of Pharmacy Clerkship program.
IPPE Student Match – Students will be signing up for IPPE rotations for the 2024-2025 clerkship year. IPPE rotations will be finalized by February 26, 2024. An email notification will be sent out when the IPPE matching is completed. Thank you for teaching and mentoring our student pharmacists!
NEW Announcements Posting –We’ve made it easier for you keep up-to-date on important clerkship deadlines, events, and critical information. Announcements are now posted on the clerkship website. Please check out the clerkship website to view the latest announcements.
New Online Preceptor Application – Becoming a preceptor is now easier than ever with our new electronic application. Pharmacists may contact Tina Rundle at tina.rundle@wisc.edu for the link to the application site. More information may be found here.
APPE Student Wellness Day – To support APPE student wellness, students will have the opportunity select ONE day in block 7 to use as a wellness day. The hours will not be made up (we will be reducing the total number of hours by eight at the end of the rotation.) Students are expected to follow these steps.
- APPE Wellness Day Steps
- Students should pick one 8-hour day during block 7 to take as their wellness day
- Students confirm the date with their preceptor by the end of week one in block 7
- Once the student selects and confirms the date, no changes should be made.
- Students should document the date on the APPE hour log – 8 hours, wellness day
- SOP will deduct 8 hours from total APPE hours
Student Professional Absence Days. – Absence for participating or attendance at professional meetings or professional job or residency interviews requires pre-approval from the site clinical instructor. Students are allotted a total of 7 Professional Days during the entire advanced APPE year. These days are only to be used for attending professional meetings or job interviews. Professional Days do not need to be made up. Travel to and from an interview is considered part of a professional day. No more than 5 days may be used in any one block. Requests for time off during the first or last weeks of the block are highly discouraged. Each student seeking absences from their site for this reason should critically examine the benefits to be gained and the risks/conflicts associated with missing the APPE experience. Clear indications for attending the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, APhA, PSW or other professional meetings include presentation of a poster or participating in the Personnel Placement Service for residencies or jobs that would begin within the following year. However, these are not the only justifiable reasons to attend. Misrepresenting professional days is considered academic misconduct.
Student Feedback – May be viewed on the clerkship web page. Please go to https://pharmacy.wisc.edu/experiential-education/ click on Intranet Login and enter your Net ID. Click on View my clinical instructor and my site course evaluation.
Fall 2023 Payments– Payments for APPE clerkships completed in the fall of 2023 were mailed out in January. Checks are made out to the pharmacy. In addition, checks for pharmacies belonging to a corporation or large facility are sent out to the manager/ director. Please check the web page https://pharmacy.wisc.edu/experiential-education/ for the student(s) you had in the fall of 2023. The UW Business Office is not able to provide student names.
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